Saturday, May 22, 2010


I get the above error every time I start my computer. What is this?? It gives me the error tone when it comes up. This is slowing my startup sequence cause it is looking for this file.

How do I get rid of this error

Hi Lakeman

Looks like you have a bit of Malware called My Web Search - this usually comes bundeled with some free programme or other (often free smileys for your email).

I strongly recommend that you do the following –oh and it won’t cost you a penny:

Download adaware personal from here:

Once you have downloaded it install it (by double clicking) and then run the software. First let it update itself and then run a full scan – this will take a while – when it is done tell it to remove any nasties that it finds.

Then download spybot search and destroy from here:

Again install it and let it update itself. Then click immunize (on the left hand bar) and once it has checked let it add product to immunization. Then you need to click search and destroy (again on the left bar) then check for problems. This scan will take a while so let it get on with it. Once it is done tell it to remove any nasties that it has found.

Download Windows defender from here:

As before install and run, allow it to update and then it will run in the background looking after your computer.

If you don’t have an up to date Anti Virus then you really need to do something about that too. A good one is AVG Free from here:

There are others like Avast that are also good and free. Finally you really should consider a quality firewall. Comodo and Zone Alarm are both good and free

Hope all that sorts it for you

Reply:try running the following two menus of ccleaner

cleaner %26gt; Analyze %26gt; Run Cleaner

issues %26gt; Scan For Issues %26gt; Fix Selected Issues

Read Howto of CCleaner on the link below
Reply:Most likely a Spyware/Virus.

Get an Anti-Spyware such as Windows Defender or AVG Anti-Spyware.

AVG Anti - Spyware can be downloaded from and click on "avgas-setup-" or "avg75free_467a1008.exe" for a Anti-Virus. Windows Defender can be downloaded from

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