Saturday, May 22, 2010

What is C:\windows\system32\spool\driv... mean?

I had that going on in one of my older computers. I reloaded Windows and it has been fine since then.

What is C:\windows\system32\spool\driv... mean?
That is the file that is used by the operating system when printing documents. it is used so that you can print and do other tasks at the same time.
Reply:This is a folder where printer stores the spooled file temporarely for printing purposes.
Reply:I can't remember for sure but it's probably your printer spool.

I can't see the whole line here either.

If you're seeing that as an error, it could be a variety of problems. First that comes to mind is that your printer spool does not have enough disk space to write a file to disk before printing it. You should check your disk space and if it's low, delete some of the crap on your computer or get a new hard drive.
Reply:SPOOL is a directory where all the drivers for External (output devices) are stored such as printers, fax, zipdrivers, scanners etc.. all these devices are working on one thread while u can do your work that is these devices work backgroud and u can proceed with ur work. Y? Bcoz SPOOL means simultaneous pheripharals operation online i hope by this u can understand what spool means
Reply:Sounds like something to do with your print subsystem.
Reply:On drive C, there is a directory named "windows" that contains the subdirectory "system32," which contains a subsubdirectory named "spool," which contains a subsubsub directory called "driv" ...

It's basically a roadmap for navigating through files and folders on your computer.


such things as NEC Compatible 9300K G2.2.icm

if You right click on the files there it says color profile and such for monitors. other folders are empty here on my pc.
Reply:Spool drivers are mainly system files which works to function your devices like printers, scanners etc. when you give command for a print this drivers files stores the spooled file temporarily and quits as you finish your work.
Reply:It Holds the File Necessary for Printing and Printer.

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